Memory Lane | Hawaii with a Baby

This Life I Styled | Hawaii with a Baby

When Baby P was born… he was NOT easy. As a matter of fact, he seemed impossible. We saw doctors, we saw healers, and I ended up seeing a therapist! For six long, hard months, my husband and I endured constant screaming from a seemingly healthy baby and it. was. hard. The saddest part for my husband and I was that we were/are travelers. Adventure seekers! During our entire pregnancy, we talked about showing our little one the world - and not waiting long to do so. We had grand plans of taking advantage of that “lap child” luxury and packing in the travel while it was more affordable. But, his temperament didn’t seem like that was going to be possible.

An early morning stroll while there was good cloud cover

An early morning stroll while there was good cloud cover

Luckily, right around the six month mark, Baby P took a turn! He was more mobile and although he was demanding and impatient, he had suddenly become very social and VERY adventurous. So, as a family, we committed! We were going to take a trip. To be easy on ourselves, my husband and I decided on Kauai, Hawaii. Living in Seattle, we could take a direct flight - at night - and not have to worry about a passport and such for the little one. At eight months old, we packed up our baby and flew to paradise with our nerves out of sorts and prayers on repeat. Looking back, it was the best decision that we had made to date in his short months of life.

Waking up in Paradise

Waking up in Paradise

Kauai is my favorite island and is absolutely perfect if you’re planning on getting away with a baby. The island is slow and easy. The beaches aren’t crowded and wildlife is abundant. We stayed at the Grand Hyatt, which was absolutely beautiful. It was wonderful to be able to take the baby to the pool at any given time and still access the beach too. The entire island is so family friendly and the roads around the island are perfect for those little ones that like a good carseat snooze!

Sweet Baby P getting his first taste of the ocean

Sweet Baby P getting his first taste of the ocean

My heart was so full and he loved the ocean so much!

My heart was so full and he loved the ocean so much!

We ate soooo much great food!

We did A LOT of hiking! And baby boy was a champ!

A view from the top!

A view from the top!

I don’t think it could have been anymore beautiful!

I don’t think it could have been anymore beautiful!

The “Grand Canyon” of Kauai

The “Grand Canyon” of Kauai

This Life I Styled | Hawaii with a Baby

And even more swimming!

Beachin’ with my baby

Beachin’ with my baby

The most spectacular veiw

The most spectacular veiw

Now that we’re a family of four, we look forward to heading back to Kauai. Due to our adventurous nature, we’re thinking that we’d like to stay somewhere else. Although we did make it around almost the entire island, we are looking for suggestions for great places to post up for a week or so. All recommendations are appreciated! And if you haven’t visited Kauai…. Put it on your bucket list. It certainly has a way of leaving a lasting impression.

This Life I Styled | Hawaii with a Baby

Thanks so much for taking a walk with me down memory lane! I look forward to sharing more travel post soon.